China REDP
The NDRC/World Bank/GEF/China Renewable Energy Development Project (China REDP) is
a cooperative initiative of the Chinese Government (NDRC), the Global Environment
Facility (GEF) and the World Bank. The project aims at reducing CO2 emission,
slowing down the global climate change and improving the standard of living of
people in remote areas who have no access to electricity. The most important
components of the project are the PV Component and the Technology Improvement
Component. The REDP was being prepared from 1997 to 2001 and running from 2002 to
2007. The PV component aimed at developing the rural market for PV (and small wind
energy) in six north-western provinces.
Horisun assisted both in the preparation of the Technology Improvement component
(1998-99) and in the evaluation of technology improvement projects (2002-2008).
For more info click here.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (PVPS) is
one of the collaborative R&D agreements established within the IEA and since
1993 its participants have been conducting a variety of joint projects concerned with
the application of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy into electricity.
Within the IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (PVPS) the so-called Task 10 is the
collaborative project on Urban-Scale Photovoltaic Applications. The objective of
Task 10 is to enhance the opportunities for the wide-scale, solution-oriented
application of PV in the urban environment, as part of an integrated approach that
maximizes building energy efficiency as well as solar thermal and photovoltaics usage.
Within PVPS the predecessor of Task 10, Task 7 has been the international collaborative
effort focusing on building integrated PV, linking developments in IEA countries
worldwide. The overall objective of Task 7 is to enhance the architectural quality,
technical quality and economic viability of photovoltaic power systems in the built
environment and to assess and remove non-technical barriers for their introduction as an
energy-significant option.
Task 7 again was building on previous collaborative actions within the IEA (Task 16 of
the Solar Heating and Cooling Program). Primary focus of this Task is on the integration
of PV into the architectural design of roofs and facades of all type buildings and other
structures in the built environment (such as noise barriers).

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